Different Methods for Promoting Your Music

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In the new streaming, file sharing, and social network industry, musicians may feel like they don’t know what to do. But the fast pace of technological change has given artists many ways to get their music out there and connect with fans.

Aside from living performances and working with other artists, there are many different ways to introduce yourself to a bigger audience. Most of them, of course, have something to do with the internet and social networks.

Everyone can now make their own social media account and a website or blog. There are many places on the internet where you can show off your work, meet other musicians and producers, work together on virtual projects, and do much more.

Here are a few of the best ways to get the word out about your music:

1. Gigs

Live performances are a great way to get your music out there, even if they sound old-fashioned. Even though it doesn’t always lead to instant fame, it’s a great way to build a local fan base and spread your music.

Playing in a bar or on the street is the best way to do it. You can reach many people, and there is a good chance someone will like your music.

It could be hard at first, especially if you can’t find a place to play. But, on the other hand, if you get a chance, you have a good chance of getting someone’s attention. Even though social networks are viral these days, nothing beats going to a live music show.

2. Make your website.

At least online, your website is pretty much proof that you exist. By making a website, you give yourself a chance to reach more people.

The most important thing, of course, is to have good content on your pages. Of course, you can start by telling people about yourself and your band. But things like your schedule are essential. Always know what’s going on and tell your audience everything they need to know about upcoming live performances. Then, don’t forget to post your music and things like contact information, future projects, or even your blog.

We’ve made a simple guide to show you how to start from scratch with a music website. So make sure you look at it.

3. Collaboration on local music

This is a great way to get the word out about your work. Collaboration with other bands and musicians is the best thing that can happen. That’s how the music business has been run for decades.

One of the first things you can do is set up a show with a band that already has a good following. Then you will play for many people who like the same music as you. There’s nothing better than that.

4. Working on music together online

Also, you can work together on music on the internet in the real world. It’s also a great way to meet musicians from all over the world. Today, you can connect with musicians, producers, and even record labels through several websites and apps.

It’s a great way to get your music out there and work with other musicians, which will help you in many ways, especially if you want to learn something new and broaden your horizons. Here is a link to some of the best sites and apps for making music together.

5. Services for Streaming

Musicians should check out SoundCloud. Even though it is a social network, it has a lot more to offer, which is why I put it on its own. Once you make an account, you can share your information, including your details, biography, and much more. The best part is that you can post your work and get people to read it. So many musicians got their start here and went on to become famous.

It shouldn’t be necessary to explain what Spotify is. Streaming doesn’t pay much, but the number of plays can grow quickly, and it’s a great way to get your music out there. Also, you can get them online for free with services like RouteNote that gather them all together. During this process, they can also upload your songs to other streaming services and music stores like iTunes, Amazon Music, etc.

6. Develop Solid Branding

Music isn’t the only thing you should worry about when trying to get your work out there. Just think about how often you bought an album because it had an excellent cover. But unfortunately, the music business is so big now that it seems almost impossible to make that first step stand out.

One good way to get new fans is to make an attractive logo for your band or artist. Also, if you have something to share, contact some exciting covers.

7. Getting to know fans better on a personal level

Even if you make good music and have a lot of fans, if other artists don’t care about you, you might miss many chances. Sharing details about your personal life is an excellent way to get to know your fans better and make them feel like they know you better.

There is a proven way to get closer to your fans when you film your live shows or make a video for your new song. Most people would refer to it as “Behind the Scenes.” Capture the recording process, where you can show your personality and give more details about things like the gear you use and studio tricks. Of course, having a good sense of humour is always appreciated.

8. Make GREAT Music

Even with all these helpful tips, getting people to like your music will be hard if it isn’t perfect. Also, even if your music is excellent, you must ensure it has been well produced, mixed, and mastered.

People who listen to music today expect new releases to have good mixes. So if your music isn’t well made, it won’t be as good as other artists’ music.

Different Methods for Promoting Your Music